Teacher what have they done for you lately? Well I’ll tell you what they have done for me. My 7-year-old can read to me at night, she can also count to 100. She is also learning how to problem solve on her own. All because her teachers that take the time and enjoy teaching to help her grow her mind. I find this article on theodysseyonline.com by Justice Nicole Bealle called Teachers: Underappreciated And Underpaid. Her opening statement is "Teachers have a unique job. They are the educators of our future generations." My view point just based on this opening statement says everything I am trying to say. Educators are so important to us. Each and every one of us have had an experience with a teacher. Learning is everything for our future, so why are they so under-appreciated? As I dig deeper into this topic I realize there may be know true answer. I hope someday we can bring out more awareness to this world about how important teachers are to our world.

That's so crazy that you're child has had 4 teachers in one school year! Do you know if it was because they've quit or other reasons? That could be a really good first hand proof into your blog. I think you should make a post with the numbers, what are teachers making on average? What is a living minimum wage? Are they meeting it? What bout benefits? This could help your argument a lot.